
Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function.

  1. Life

    Nobel awarded for unveiling how cells recycle their trash

    Cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi has won the 2016 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for discovering how cells take care of housekeeping.

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  2. Plants

    Houseplants suck up air pollutants that can sicken people

    Certain indoor air pollutants can sicken people. But some houseplants can remove those chemicals from a room’s air, new data show.

  3. Brain

    Mice brains hint at how bodies keep their cool

    Nerve cells in mice can keep the body cool and may prevent high fevers. The discovery could have implications for obesity and other health issues.

  4. Life

    Scientists Say: Exocytosis

    For a cell to remove something large from inside itself, it turns to a process called exocytosis.

  5. Chemistry

    Gotcha! New test stalks diseases early

    Chemists screen blood for disease markers by adapting a common DNA test. The test can find disease earlier, when it also may be easier to treat.

  6. Life

    Cell recount: People host far fewer germs

    Since the 1970s, microbiologists have been saying bacteria outnumber human cells in our bodies by about 10-to-1. A new analysis says that old number was a “fake” fact — and gross exaggeration.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: What is skin?

    The body’s soft, outer armor contains three layers, each with its own important role to play.

  8. Agriculture

    New gene resists our last-ditch drug

    Antibiotic resistance continues to grow. Now, scientists have found a tiny loop of DNA that resists a drug doctors use as a last line of defense.

  9. Chemistry

    Trio gets chemistry Nobel for figuring out DNA repair

    Three researchers have won the 2015 Nobel Prize in chemistry for working out how cells fix damaged genetic material.

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  10. Health & Medicine

    New treatments may rally ex-president’s fight against cancer

    Former President Jimmy Carter has a potentially lethal type of skin cancer that has already spread to his liver and brain. Recent improvements in medicine may help him fight it.

  11. Genetics

    DNA: Our ancient ancestors had lots more

    Ancestral humans and their extinct relatives had much more DNA than do people today, a new study finds. It mapped genetic differences over time among 125 different human groups.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Injected nanoparticles treat internal wounds

    Soldiers wounded in a bombing could be treated with a shot of specially designed nanoparticles that stop bleeding and inflammation in the lungs.
