
Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells.

  1. Brain

    Explainer: How our eyes make sense of light

    It takes a lot for images before the eyes to be 'seen.' It starts by special cells sensing the light, then signals relaying those data to the brain.

    By and
  2. Chemistry

    This tube worm’s glowing slime may help sustain its own shine

    Snot oozed by a marine tube worm can glow for up to 3 full days. The secret of how this works might lead to long-lasting lights that glow on and on.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Antibodies from former COVID-19 patients could become a medicine

    The experimental treatment uses antibodies from the blood plasma of COVID-19 survivors. It may prevent disease in other people or help treat the sick.

  4. Brain

    Zapping the brain may make it work right again

    Sending electrical zaps to electrodes implanted deep in the brain can help people with Parkinson’s disease, depression and even obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  5. Life

    Here’s how butterfly wings keep cool in the sun

    Butterfly wings sport structures that let living tissues release more heat than the rest of the wing.

  6. Brain

    Curiosity drives this neuroscientist and artist

    Christine Liu studies the brain on nicotine — and used Instagram to bring together women doing incredible science.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Excess weight alters results of blood tests in kids and teens

    Carrying extra weight could affect many routine blood tests in kids, new data show. Knowing this might help doctors better interpret lab results.

  8. Brain

    Sleep may jumpstart the brain’s power washing system

    Waves of fluid wash into the human brain during sleep. That’s good. They just may help clean out toxic proteins.

  9. Animals

    Blood vessels in their heads kept big dinos from overheating

    Giant dinosaurs evolved several ways to cool their blood and avoid heatstroke.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Ultrasound might become a new way to manage diabetes

    Ultrasound turns on production of the hormone insulin in mice. Someday, it might help maintain healthy blood-sugar levels in people who were recently diagnosed with diabetes.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: The benefits of phlegm, mucus and snot

    There are many types of mucus in the body. They might seem gross, but these gloppy goos are the first line of defense against infection.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Explainer: Taste and flavor are not the same

    What’s behind a food’s flavor? More than what we taste, it turns out.
