Gather and synthesize information that sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior or storage as memories.
Let’s learn about mind reading
In the future, more advanced, less bulky mind-reading equipment could raise serious privacy concerns.
‘Lucid’ dreamers could solve mysteries about sleeping minds
People who know they’re asleep while dreaming could help study how sleeping minds create elaborate alternate realities.
Talking through a tube can trick AI into mistaking one voice for another
Researchers crafted tubes that can trick AI into mistaking one person’s voice for another’s. Bad guys could use such tricks to hack into accounts.
Scientists Say: Neurodivergent
This often-misunderstood word describes someone whose brain works a little differently from most.
How would a mermaid sound underwater?
Human ears don’t work well in the water. A mermaid would need marine creature features to talk to and understand her aquatic friends.
Race car drivers usually blink at the same places in each lap
Blinking is usually thought to be somewhat random. But a new study tracking blinks in Formula One drivers shows it can be predictable — and strategic.
Neuroscientists use brain scans to decode people’s thoughts
The research may lead to new devices for people who can’t communicate easily. It also raises privacy concerns.
Scientists Say: Connectome
A connectome is a diagram of the cellular highways that carry information in the brain.
Rats can bop their heads to a musical beat
Rats’ rhythmic response to human music doesn’t mean they like to dance. But it may shed light on how brains evolved to perceive rhythm.
Scientists mapped every nerve cell in this insect brain
Researchers have built a “connectivity map” of all the nerve cells in the larval fruit fly brain and how they link together.
Let’s learn about the science of language
The languages we speak may help shape how we see, smell and hear the world around us.
Health & Medicine
How to be heat-safe when playing sports
Protecting young athletes from overheating is getting more important as climate change turns up the temperature.
By Megan Sever