
Gather and synthesize information that sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior or storage as memories.

  1. Health & Medicine

    Just viewing super-size meals can promote overeating

    Large portions of food dampen activity in a brain area involved in self-control, a new study shows.

  2. Brain

    Among mice, scratching is catching — as in contagious

    Contagious itching spreads by sight, mouse-to-mouse. Scientists have now identified brain structures behind this phenomenon.

  3. Tech

    Cool Jobs: Doing real science in virtual worlds

    Virtual reality isn’t just for gamers. Scientists are using VR technology to tackle real-world problems.

  4. Brain

    Anxious about math? Your brain may tackle simple problems differently

    A study found more variable brain activity in people who get nervous about math problems than those who do not.

  5. Brain

    Scientists Say: Synapse

    When brain cells need to pass messages, they do it without touching, across a space called a synapse.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Speaking Mandarin may offer kids a musical edge

    Scientists have linked a type of musical ability with the knowledge of Mandarin, the primary language of China.

  7. Science & Society

    Heartbeat can affect racial perception of threat

    Links between nerves in the heart and the brain shed light on why some police may be more likely to shoot an unarmed person who’s black than one who is white.

  8. Animals

    How birds know what not to tweet

    How do birds perfect their pitches? The chemical dopamine spikes when they sing right, and dips when they drop a note, new data show.

  9. Brain

    Explainer: What is dopamine?

    Dopamine is a chemical messenger that carries signals between brain cells. It also gets blamed for addiction. And a shortage of it gets blamed for symptoms of diseases such as Parkinson’s.

  10. Brain

    Explainer: What is neurotransmission?

    When brain cells need to pass messages to one another, they use chemicals called neurotransmitters. This sharing of chemical secrets is known as neurotransmission.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Tinnitus

    Ever had ringing in your ears? Tinnitus is a condition in which you hear a persistent sound that isn’t there.

  12. Environment

    Food-like smell on plastic may lure seabirds to eat it

    When plastic smells like supper, seabirds and other animals can be fooled into thinking it is food.

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