Surprise! These animals can help fight climate change
Some animals help fight climate change by boosting the amount of carbon dioxide that plants, algae and bacteria absorb from the atmosphere.
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Some animals help fight climate change by boosting the amount of carbon dioxide that plants, algae and bacteria absorb from the atmosphere.
Soil erosion washes pollutants into streams and rivers — but plants may help limit that.
Urban garden specialist Kwesi Joseph is experimenting with rock dust and plants. He also helps New York City community and school gardens with gardening problems.
Bacteria do many useful jobs almost everywhere on Earth, from the soil to the seafloor to our stomachs.
Underwater cameras and other instruments investigated why so many pearl octopuses gather here to mate and nest.
Autumn turns to winter, yet some trees' dead leaves keep hanging on.
Giant kelp are at risk due to climate change and human activities. In New Zealand, a community effort is rebuilding these underwater algal forests.
Hundreds of salmon, trout and other fish sought shelter from summer heat in the human-made cool zones. These areas may help fish adapt to river warming.
This cellulose and lignin, two major building blocks of trees, could lead to greener electronics.
These fibrous networks are the reason plants think fungi are such "fun guys.”