
Develop a model to describe the cycling of matter and flow of energy among living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem.

  1. Environment

    Recycling a climate-warming gas could make ‘greener’ farmed fish

    Instead of warming the climate, methane gas can be collected to help farmers. Along the way, it may also save some fish.

  2. Microbes

    Scientists Say: Bacteria

    Bacteria get a bad rap for making people sick, but only a tiny portion of these single-celled creatures cause disease.

  3. Life

    In blazing heat, some plants open leaf pores — and risk death

    When heat waves and droughts collide, water is precious. Some thirsty plants try to cool off by opening tiny pores — only to lose water even faster.

  4. Animals

    Rewilding returns lost species to strengthen ecosystems

    Restoring the missing species can help undo human-caused problems by aiding forests, slowing climate change and reducing wildfires.

  5. Earth

    Scientists Say: Savanna

    Savannas exist where there is more rainfall than in a desert, but less than in a forest.

  6. Ecosystems

    Secret forest fungi partner with plants — and help the climate

    Forest fungi are far more than mere mushrooms. They explore. They move nutrients and messages between plants. They can even help fight climate change.

  7. Animals

    Meat-eating bees have something in common with vultures

    Flesh-eating bees have acid-producing gut bacteria, much as vultures do. It lets them safely snack on rotting meat.

  8. Animals

    Baleen whales eat — and poop — a lot more than we thought

    The amount of food that some whales eat and then poop out suggests these animals have a powerful influence over ocean ecosystems.

  9. Oceans

    Scientists Say: Atoll

    Atolls form when coral reefs build up around underwater volcanoes.

  10. Plants

    Well-known wildflower turns out to be a secret meat-eater

    Look closely at Triantha occidentalis, and you’ll see gluey hairs — and a trail of insect corpses on its stem.

  11. Environment

    Wildfire smoke seeds the air with potentially dangerous microbes

    Studies now show that most wildfires don’t kill microbes. That’s fueling worries about what risks these smoke hitchhikers might pose to people.

  12. Earth

    Stores and malls buy into ponds and rain gardens for flood control

    An extra bonus: These rainy-day ponds clean up that dirty water running off parking lots.
