
Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and extended structures.

  1. Health & Medicine

    Cookie Science 2: Baking a testable hypothesis

    I would like to make a gluten-free cookie that my friend can eat. But to do that, I need to come up with a hypothesis to test.

  2. Chemistry

    Chemistry: Green and clean

    “Green” means environmentally friendly and sustainable. Green chemistry creates products and processes that are safer and cleaner — from the start.

  3. Genetics

    Owww! The science of pain

    No one likes pain, but it keeps us alive. That’s why scientists want to learn how best to coexist with this complicated and still somewhat mysterious sensation.

  4. Tech

    Digital displays get flexible

    Flexible and unbreakable digital displays could soon be for sale, thanks to a new organic transistor made from plastic.

  5. Tech

    Digital lighting goes organic

    An environmentally friendly lighting technology promises not only to save energy but also to transform our indoor environment.

  6. Physics

    Quark quartet forms exotic particle

    Quarks are important building blocks of matter, usually bound together as pairs or triples. Now some have formed a quartet. Scientists confirmed the existence of a particle made of four quarks stuck together. Such strange stuff may have been more common in the earliest universe, the scientists say.

  7. Physics

    World’s coolest ‘clock’ is also crazy-accurate

    This is the time to beat — the world’s most accurate atomic clock ever. At its heart is a ‘fountain’ of cesium atoms chilled nearly to absolute zero!

  8. Health & Medicine

    Simple test for cancer and heart disease

    Disease diagnosis often requires expensive equipment and tests to probe deep inside the body. But a new test relies on a fast, cheap and easy technique. And its answers appear on a strip of paper — just as they do on a pregnancy test.

  9. Chemistry

    Explainer: Ocean acidification

    Here’s why shellfish and other animals in the sea suffer when the ocean is forced to absorb too much carbon dioxide.

  10. Tech

    Tracing a gem’s origins

    Lasers identify the country — and even a mine — that a precious stone hails from.

  11. Science & Society

    Introducing the 2011 Nobel Prize winners

    Scientists in 2011 won for making unexpected discoveries about crystals, the human body and the universe.

  12. Chemistry

    Plant-powered plastics

    Scientists are using green materials to create more Earth-friendly plastics.
