
  1. Science & Society

    Climate change sets people on the move

    As their homelands experience uncomfortable changes to weather, many people have begun migrating to places with a better climate.

  2. Earth

    Scientists find an easier way to trap carbon dioxide in rock

    Scientists have found a much faster and easier way to trap CO2 in minerals. If they can scale it up, it might one day help to slow climate change.

  3. Earth

    Explainer: Where fossil fuels come from

    Despite one oil company famously using an Apatosaurus as its logo, oil, gas and coal don’t come from dinosaurs. They do, however, come from a long time ago.

  4. Earth

    Explainer: CO2 and other greenhouse gases

    Carbon dioxide is just one of several chemicals that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Nitrous oxide, methane and CFCs are other big contributors.

  5. Climate

    Analyze This: How hot will it get?

    Temperatures are rising because of human-caused climate change. But some places will get hot faster than others.

  6. Oceans

    New tools aim to better predict blooms of toxic algae

    Scientists across the United States are developing programs that can predict when blooms of toxic algal may occur.

  7. Climate

    Climate change intensified Hurricane Florence, study finds

    A new study finds that a warmer climate fattened up Florence. The result: Once it made landfall it would now drop lots more rain and over a broader region.

  8. Environment

    Air pollution is shortening lives worldwide

    Worldwide, tiny particles of air pollution are making the average person’s life a year shorter.

  9. Climate

    Hawaii’s record 2018 rains may foretell wetter times ahead

    Another rainfall record was set in Hawaii. But how does this stack up to other rain records across the United States?

  10. Earth

    Rare blue diamonds form deep, deep, deep inside Earth

    The recipe for rare blue diamonds may include boron, seawater and massive rock collisions.

  11. Physics

    Analyze This: Can you outrun these geological disasters?

    There's one geological disaster you probably can outrun, and a few others that are iffy.

  12. Earth

    Nine big stories you may have missed this summer

    We hope you enjoyed time off from school this summer. But you may have missed some scientific developments, from mega-eruptions to Martian lakes.
