
  1. Earth

    Experiment: Can plants stop soil erosion?

    Soil erosion washes pollutants into streams and rivers — but plants may help limit that.

  2. Environment

    Scientists Say: Carbon capture

    Carbon capture technology tackles climate change by stomping out carbon dioxide at the source.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Health problems persist in Flint 10 years after water poisoning

    Flint, Mich., residents still show health impacts long after a switch in their drinking-water source exposed them to toxic lead and other pollutants.

  4. Health & Medicine

    9 things to know about lead’s health risks — and how to curb them

    Lead has been linked to lower IQ, behavior problems, mental-health disorders, strokes and more health impacts. There are ways to reduce your exposure.

  5. Microbes

    Let’s learn about useful bacteria

    Bacteria do many useful jobs almost everywhere on Earth, from the soil to the seafloor to our stomachs.

  6. Environment

    Bottled water hosts many thousands of nano-sized plastic bits

    The finding emerges from tests of a new tool that identified smaller-than-ever tiny plastic bits in three brands of bottled water.

  7. Oceans

    Analyze This: Climate change may worsen the spread of ocean noise

    Some parts of the ocean may become five times as loud in the future.

  8. Animals

    Which way is up? Insects may lose track near artificial lights

    Flying insects may use light to figure out where the sky is. But artificial lights can send them veering off course, high-speed video suggests.

  9. Climate

    Warmer seas trigger skyrocketing ice loss in 3 Antarctic glaciers

    Destabilized by waves and vanishing sea ice, one of the glaciers lost 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) of ice in 16 months — a possible hint of worse to come.

  10. Life

    Has the Endangered Species Act saved species from extinction?

    After 50 years, this landmark law has kept many species alive — but few wild populations have recovered enough to come off the “endangered” list.

  11. Environment

    New ultrathin materials can pull climate-warming CO2 from the air

    To slow global warming, we’ll need help from CO2-trapping materials. Enter MXenes. They’re strong and reactive — and they love to eat up CO2.

  12. Environment

    Pumping cold water into rivers could help fish chill out

    Hundreds of salmon, trout and other fish sought shelter from summer heat in the human-made cool zones. These areas may help fish adapt to river warming.
