This young biologist looked for links between diet and dyslexia
Thermo Fisher JIC finalist Giselle Drewett wanted to know how lifestyle might influence a gene related to dyslexia.
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Thermo Fisher JIC finalist Giselle Drewett wanted to know how lifestyle might influence a gene related to dyslexia.
Sally Warring has long been captivated by the beauty of mostly single-celled life forms called protists.
Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun discovered tiny snippets of genetic material, called microRNAs, that play a big role in making sure cells work as they should.
The last woolly mammoth herd experienced a drop in genetic variation. But this is likely not what doomed these majestic beasts to extinction, new data suggest.
These protective caps at the ends of chromosomes play a key role in cell replication.
The 3-D structure of this now-glassy DNA revealed similarities — and differences — between woolly mammoths and elephants.
Three genes may limit the ability of rice to handle dry or salty conditions. A Regeneron ISEF finalist shows that CRISPR could target and change them.
That protein stopped the disease-causing bacterium from growing in lab dishes or infecting mice.
Genetic engineering involves adding, changing or removing certain pieces of DNA from a living thing to give it desired traits.
These special memory cells were present in people with allergies and absent in those without.