Health & Medicine
Health & Medicine
Paralyzed rats walk again
Treatment helps animals recover from spinal cord injuries.
By Roberta Kwok -
Health & Medicine
Switching cough off
Researchers find possible solution to the nagging problem of how to curb a cough.
Health & Medicine
Losing control over sugar
A common pollutant and sweetener mess with important hormones.
‘Nonstick’ chemicals may undercut value of vaccinations
Chemicals used to make fabrics stain resistant and pans stick resistant are showing up everywhere — including in kids. One big downside: New data show they can keep vaccines from working well.
By Janet Raloff -
Surprisingly hardy flu germs
Flu-causing viruses may live for days or even months outside the body.
Health & Medicine
Worms, your unlikely allies
Parasites show promise in treating immune disorders.
By Nathan Seppa -
Health & Medicine
Blood does a body good
Studies of the superfluid aid in the prevention and treatment of diseases.
By Sarah Webb