
More Stories in Humans

  1. Fossils

    50 years on, Lucy offers lessons for achieving fossil fame

    Since the discovery of Lucy's skeleton in 1974, a catchy name and ongoing scientific debates have kept this human ancestor in the spotlight.

  2. Archaeology

    Let’s learn about ancient pyramids

    You may have heard of pyramids built in ancient Egypt — but what about ones built elsewhere in Africa, Europe and the Americas?

  3. Earth

    Earthquakes upped the death toll at Pompeii

    Broken bodies found at a house in Pompeii suggest that earthquakes played a role in the legendary tragedy.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Why you shouldn’t just brush off dandruff

    Research points to certain yeast and bacteria as culprits behind some dandruff. Special shampoos or prescription cleansers can help.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Science works to demystify hair and help it behave

    Research explores new ways to classify hair — from loose curls to tight coils — along with ways to control it and improve its looks and health.

  6. Brain

    Why we aren’t really ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’

    The idea that we use different sides of the brains to be creative or logical is popular — but it’s not supported by science. Here’s why.

  7. Archaeology

    An Egyptian mummy’s silent ‘scream’ hints at her violent death

    A rare muscle stiffening known as a cadaveric spasm might explain the mummy’s open-mouthed expression.

  8. Science & Society

    Scientists Say: Dialect

    Different dialects of the same language have distinct words, pronunciations and sentence structures.

  9. Psychology

    Struggling to find happiness? Here are some paths to positivity

    Teens can become happier by being kind to themselves and connecting with others — in person, rather than online.
