
  1. Chemistry

    Let’s learn about hair

    Hair is made of long, strong protein chains. These chains have a lot of science in them.

  2. Life

    Scientists Say: Protein

    Proteins are molecules made up of building blocks called amino acids. They play many key roles in the body’s cells and are essential for life.

  3. Humans

    Skeletons hint that ancient societies had women warriors

    Some women in North American hunter-gatherer societies and Mongolian herding groups may have been warriors.

  4. Tech

    Our gut microbes love a good workout

    Technology shows how microbes in the body respond to exercise. That helps scientists understand why those microbes keep athletes healthy.

  5. Tech

    Sweat tech alerts athletes when to rehydrate — and with what

    Technology shows how the body responds to moderate and vigorous exercise. That helps athletes stay healthy — and helps scientists understand why.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Loss of taste and smell may be top indicators of COVID-19

    Loss of a sense of taste and smell are not just possible symptoms of COVID-19. A study now argues they may be among the most predictive ones.

  7. Tech

    Tackling the novel coronavirus calls for novel ideas

    Teams around the world are proposing new innovations to fight COVID-19. Projects tackle supply shortages, new treatments, vaccines and more.

  8. Tech

    COVID-19 victims could breathe easier with these innovations

    Feared equipment shortages due to the COVID-19 pandemic have prompted research teams to develop novel technologies to help oxygen-starved lungs.

  9. Science & Society

    Brainwaves of people with coarse, curly hair are now less hard to read

    Electrodes weren’t designed for people with coarse, curly hair. A redesign was needed, scientists say.

  10. Health & Medicine

    First drug is found to block the new coronavirus

    A series of new trials show that the antiviral drug remdesivir offers promise in speeding the recovery of patients with COVID-19.

  11. Health & Medicine

    How to find the next pandemic virus before it finds us

    Wild animals carry viruses that can sicken people. Monitoring those viral hosts that pose the greatest risk might help prevent a new pandemic.

  12. Science & Society

    How much do masks help against COVID-19?

    There’s a range of masks available to the public. From purchased to home-made coverings, all should help — some a lot more than others.

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