
  1. Health & Medicine

    Analyze This: Most teen girls don’t meet guidelines for daily exercise

    Girls trail boys in the amount of exercise they tend to get each day regardless of race.

  2. Brain

    Marijuana use may affect decision-making areas in teen brains

    Marijuana use during adolescence may damage decision-making areas of the brain, according to a new study in rats.

  3. Science & Society

    Here’s the science you loved in 2018

    When our readers read about science, they want to read about research that hits close to home, like smartphones, chocolate, vaping and more.

  4. Science & Society

    ICYMI: 2018’s top science offerings

    From gene-edited babies to firenados and lavanados, this year offered both stunning news and curiosities in the world of science and research.

  5. Oceans

    What makes Aquaman special? He can take a lot of pressure

    The new Aquaman movie makes life under the sea look pretty glamorous. In fact, we puny humans probably couldn’t take the pressure.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Keeping an irregular schedule may change how many calories you burn

    Our daily cycle of calorie burning is one of many body processes that follow a biological clock.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Silver nanoparticles help fight brain-eating amoebas

    Nanotechnology may be — quite literally — a silver bullet for these microscopic monsters.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Sleepless nights can leave brains feeling anxious

    Pulling an all-nighter boosts anxiety levels — and changes brain activity — the next morning, a new study finds.

  9. Brain

    Zaps to spinal cord help paralyzed people walk

    Sending electrical pulses to the spinal cord can help paralyzed people learn to walk again, new tests show.

  10. Brain

    Young people’s memory improves after stopping marijuana use

    Paying teens and young adults to stop using marijuana improved their memory within one week. The results hint that some impairments from pot may be reversible — at least for a time.

  11. Brain

    People may be literally led by their noses

    The brain links people’s senses of nagivation and smell, according to a new study.

  12. Archaeology

    Fossils hint ancient humans passed through a green Arabia

    Hundreds of thousands of years ago, migrating humans passed through the Arabian Peninsula, a study shows. Instead of desert, they found green grass.
