
  1. Health & Medicine

    Don’t blame the rats for spreading the Black Death

    Popular history says millions of people died of the Black Death in the Middle Ages after being bit by fleas living on rats. But human fleas may be the real culprits, a new study finds.

  2. Materials Science

    Cool Jobs: Drilling into the secrets of teeth

    A bioengineer, a biologist and an archaeologist all study teeth to explore new materials, to grow better tissues and to learn more about prehistoric humans.

  3. Chemistry

    Scientists Say: Salt

    Salts in chemistry are compounds made when a positively charged acid is combined with a negatively charged base. Table salt is one example.

  4. Chemistry

    Changing toothpastes? Change your toothbrush

    Scientists have found that toothbrush bristles absorb triclosan, then release the potentially toxic chemical when users switch toothpastes.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Epidermis

    The epidermis is the outer layer of your skin. It helps protect you from dangerous things in the environment, and helps control how much water evaporates from your body.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Long-lasting flu vaccine could replace yearly shots

    Researchers have developed a single vaccine that protects mice from many types of flu. Such a development could lead to where people only day might no longer need a yearly flu shot.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Analyze This: Flu vaccine’s protection varies

    Getting a flu shot every year is an important way to protect yourself and those around you — even if the vaccine isn’t 100 percent effective.

  8. Microbes

    Scientists Say: Microbiome

    You’ve got company. Every animal and plant has microscopic organisms living on and in them. These include bacteria, protists, archaea, fungi and viruses.

  9. Health & Medicine

    New treatment could calm temperature-sensitive teeth

    Dentists aren’t happy with today’s treatments for sensitive teeth. Sand-like nanoparticles carrying green tea extract could bring longer pain relief.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Raw cookie dough’s flour could make you really sick

    It’s not just the eggs in cookie dough that can pose food-poisoning risks. Even flour can sicken people if it is eaten raw.

  11. Brain

    Trading smartphone time for sleep? Your loss

    A new study shows more and more teenagers are hanging out on devices when they should be catching ZZZs, putting their health at risk.

  12. Health & Medicine

    High-nicotine e-cigs up chance teen will become a smoker

    New study links vaping high levels of nicotine to greater likelihood teens will vape — and smoke — six months later.
