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Health & Medicine
Early birds eat better
People who love mornings tend to eat healthier food throughout the day. This could help explain why night owls tend be less healthy overall.
Cool Jobs: Doing real science in virtual worlds
Virtual reality isn’t just for gamers. Scientists are using VR technology to tackle real-world problems.
Science & Society
Legalizing pot may confuse teens into thinking it’s safe
A growing number of teens think marijuana is no big deal, a new study finds. And that may encourage many to experiment with its use.
By Lela Nargi -
Study links ADHD to five brain areas
A new international study shows that the brains of children with ADHD are different from those in people without this condition.
By Dinsa Sachan -
Health & Medicine
Analyze This: Zika and microcephaly
Data from pregnant women with Zika in Colombia helped scientists probe whether Zika causes birth defects.
Science & Society
Fossils point to Neandertal diets — and medicine use
Whether Neandertals were largely meat-eaters or vegans depended on their environment, fossils now suggest. Their teeth also indicate they used natural medicines.
People tend to tune out details of ‘female’ jobs
Stories about people performing ‘women’s’ jobs are less memorable, a teen’s research finds.
Silk Road’s origins may date back millennia
The mountain treks of ancient herders helped mold a cross-continent trade network known as the Silk Road.
By Bruce Bower -
Frog’s gift of grab comes from saliva and squishy tissue
What puts the grip in a frog’s high-speed strike? Quick-change saliva and a super-soft tongue, scientists find.
By Susan Milius -
Teen invents a dip to keep germs away
A teen competing in the 2017 Regeneron Science Talent Search invented an eco-friendly chemical mix. It should keep bacteria from growing on treated paper, fabrics — including wound coverings — and more.
Teens make riskier decisions than children or adults
Teens may make risky decisions in part because they don’t care about uncertainty.
Health & Medicine
Hibernation: Secrets of the big sleep
Mammals from bears to squirrels hibernate the winter away. Learning how they do it might one day help people mimic aspects of it to heal from brain injuries or voyage to Mars.