
  1. Science & Society

    Heartbeat can affect racial perception of threat

    Links between nerves in the heart and the brain shed light on why some police may be more likely to shoot an unarmed person who’s black than one who is white.

  2. Environment

    Heart risks seen in regular vapers

    New symptoms show up in regular e-cigarette users. They suggest vapers are putting themselves at elevated risk of heart disease

  3. Health & Medicine

    Cleaner water helps male fish again look and act like guys

    Water pollution can give male fish female traits — such as the ability to make eggs. And that’s not a good thing. Better water treatment may prevent that, data now show.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Bullying hurts — but peer support really helps

    Bullied kids face more mental illness as adults, new studies find. Other research suggests support from other kids can lessen the impacts.

  5. Tech

    Magnets may one day cull deadly germs from blood

    A new technique for slowing the deadly condition called sepsis would use tiny iron particles and magnets.

  6. Brain

    Stuttering: Blood flow in the brain may play a role

    A new study shows people who stutter have less blood flow to a language center in the brain known as Broca’s area.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Frostbite

    As we get cold, the blood vessels near our skin constrict to keep body heat in. But in the process, they leave some tissues in danger of frostbite.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Violence spreads like a virus

    New research shows that the friends of violent teens are much more likely to become violent themselves.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Scientists Say: Hypothermia

    Our bodies need to stay warm to function correctly. If our temperature drops too much, we can suffer from hypothermia.

  10. Archaeology

    Cool Jobs: Hunting surprises in thinning glaciers

    Meet three scientists who are tracking the meltdown of Earth’s glaciers. They share their adventures, predictions and unexpected discoveries.

  11. Animals

    How birds know what not to tweet

    How do birds perfect their pitches? The chemical dopamine spikes when they sing right, and dips when they drop a note, new data show.

  12. Brain

    Explainer: What is dopamine?

    Dopamine is a chemical messenger that carries signals between brain cells. It also gets blamed for addiction. And a shortage of it gets blamed for symptoms of diseases such as Parkinson’s.
