
  1. Science & Society

    Racism hurts

    Hate crimes and harassment since the 2016 election affirm that racism still exists in America. Here’s what racism is, how it hurts and how people who witness it can respond.

  2. Science & Society

    Five things students can do about racism

    Racism plagues societies around the world and has since ancient times. But scientists who have studied its impacts offer suggestions on how to make it stop.

  3. Psychology

    What makes a pretty face?

    Beautiful faces are symmetrical and average. Do we prefer them because this makes them easier for our brains to process?

  4. Tech

    Implant traps cancer cells on the move

    A device implanted under the skin extended the life of mice with breast cancer. It trapped injected cancer cells before they created tumors in organs throughout the body.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Simpler way to screen for hidden hearing loss?

    Many teens today walk around with undiagnosed hearing damage. But some Boston-based researchers have come up with a low-tech approach to screening these individuals so they can get help.

  6. Health & Medicine

    ‘Ringing’ in the ears may signal serious ear damage

    A persistent ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus, has become common in teens — and may point to eventual, permanent hearing loss.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Milking chocolate for its health benefits

    Researchers figure out how to give milk chocolate the same health benefits as dark chocolate. The secret ingredient is an extract from peanut skin.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Could toothpaste give heart disease the brush-off?

    Brushing with a toothpaste that dyes plaque green encourages people to remove more of it. This also lowered inflammation, which may cut someone’s risk of heart disease.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Zika birth defects: Concerns spread from head to toe

    Zika infections may trigger problems well beyond babies born with small heads and brains. Scientists have begun linking a range of head-to-toe health ails to the virus.

  10. Microbes

    New date for U.S. arrival of the AIDS virus

    A new study shows that HIV started circulating at least a decade earlier than previously realized.

  11. Environment

    Vaping may put your smile at risk

    As e-cigarette use among teens rises, scientists find that vaping may cause cellular damage to the mouth, gums and teeth. Even the cells’ DNA was affected.

  12. Genetics

    Human DNA carries hints of unknown extinct ancestor

    A new study suggests people today carry genetic traces of now-extinct species unknown to science.
