
  1. Animals

    Some birds heed a monkey’s warnings

    An African forest bird can tell which monkey alarm calls to pay attention to.

  2. Animals

    Sea otters, kelp, and killer whales

    Learning more about sea otters can help rescue the animals and save coastal ecosystems.

  3. Brain

    Grannies give gift of longer life

    Kids tend to live longer when a grandmother takes part in their daily lives.

  4. Genetics

    A butterfly’s new green glow

    Scientists have tweaked a butterfly's genes to make its eyes glow green.

  5. Fossils

    Winged insects may go way back

    A fossil's mouthparts hint that winged insects lived on Earth 400 million years ago.

  6. Brain

    Reading Verbs Revs Up Your Brain

    Silently reading the word "dance" gets your brain to react as though you're really dancing.

  7. Genetics

    Animal clones: Double trouble?

    From agriculture to medicine to law, animal cloning to create genetic twins could change our lives.

  8. Animals

    A bowerbird’s guide to style

    To attract a mate, male bowerbirds go for a cheaper, low-key look instead of showy decorations.

  9. Brain

    What Video Games Can Teach Us

    If used in the right way, video and computer games can inspire learning and improve some skills.

  10. Brain

    The Violent Side of Video Games

    Playing video games and watching TV and movies can change the way we act, think, and feel.

  11. Animals

    A hangout for elusive blue whales

    Scientists have now found a place off southern Chile where blue whales gather.

  12. Fossils

    Teeny Skull Reveals Ancient Ancestor

    A tiny fossil skull represents the earliest known ancestor of monkeys and apes.

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