
  1. Tech

    This bionic mushroom makes electricity

    What do you get when you combine fungi, graphene, 3-D printing and photosynthetic bacteria? A mushroom that makes electricity.

  2. Fossils

    These fuzz-covered flying reptiles had catlike whiskers

    New fossils are changing the look of ancient flying reptiles called pterosaurs.

  3. Life

    Scientists Say: Metabolism

    Metabolism is all the chemical activities that support life in a cell, an organ and a whole organism’s body.

  4. Animals

    To monitor penguin diet from satellites, look to poop

    Scientists have figured out what foods dominate an Adélie penguin colony’s diet by looking at Landsat imagery. But to do so, they had to start with penguin poop.

  5. Animals

    How some insects fling their pee

    Insects called sharpshooters use a tiny barb on their rear ends to hurl their pee at 20 times the acceleration of Earth’s gravity.

  6. Animals

    Scientists Say: Jellies

    Jellies have roamed the seas for 500 million years. Some have stinging tentacles and bell-shaped bodies and are called jellyfish. Others are very different.

  7. Microbes

    Amoebas are crafty, shape-shifting engineers

    It’s easy to overlook amoebas — but we shouldn’t. These one-celled wonders can build their own shells, punch holes in prey and even farm bacteria.

  8. Fossils

    A skeleton named ‘Little Foot’ causes big debate

    New studies suggest a fossil hominid called Little Foot belongs to the species Australopithecus prometheus. Other scientists question whether such a species exists.

  9. Brain

    Expecting pain? That could really make it hurt worse

    How much someone expects something to hurt affects how their brain processes the pain, and how well they learn from it.

  10. Animals

    This spider feeds a type of milk to its babies

    Even after spiderlings start hunting for themselves, they return to mom for milk.

  11. Ecosystems

    Mosquito repellent could pose risks to baby salamanders

    Two ingredients in bug repellant — DEET and picaridin — can end up in streams. There, they may hurt salamanders but leave mosquitoes alone, a study finds.

  12. Brain

    Marijuana use may affect decision-making areas in teen brains

    Marijuana use during adolescence may damage decision-making areas of the brain, according to a new study in rats.
