
  1. Physics

    Earth from the inside out

    An invisible particle sheds light on the mysterious interior of the Earth.

  2. Physics

    Hold on to your stars, ladies and gentlemen

    Our galaxy is heavier and spinning much faster than scientists thought.

  3. Tech

    Lighting goes digital

    Brighter and more efficient, LED lights are on the horizon.

  4. Physics

    IceCube science

    To find some of the smallest things in the universe, scientists have to think big.

  5. Physics

    Explainer: The particle zoo

    Various subatomic particle types are compared to how they oddly relate to animals in a zoo.

  6. Physics

    Explainer: Understanding light and electromagnetic radiation

    Here's a simple guide to the different types of electromagnetic energy that move as waves.

  7. Tech

    Undercover detectives

    T-rays are digitally uncovering everything including potential terrorists, buried images on church walls, and subsurface flaws in the foam used to protect space shuttles.

  8. Physics

    Powering ball lightning

    A new study might help explain what fuels bouncing balls of fire that occasionally form in nature.

  9. Physics

    Diamond glow

    Rare diamonds that glow in the dark may help scientists distinguish real gems from fake ones.

  10. Physics

    Explainer: How a synchrotron works

    Giant magnets direct superfast light into beams up to 30 million times as bright as those produced by a laser pointer.

  11. Tech

    Big Machine Reveals Small Worlds

    A football-field-sized machine is giving researchers insight into medicine, forensics, and even chocolate.

  12. Physics

    Road bumps

    Scientists have discovered why dirt roads develop ridges that make for a bumpy ride.

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