
  1. Psychology

    2016 election stressed out some teens and young adults

    Some teens and young adults felt stress, anxiety and fear during the 2016 election — no matter what political candidates they tended to prefer.

  2. Psychology

    Analyze This: The power in being understanding of your flaws

    Expecting nothing but perfection from yourself can lead to depression. Forgiving yourself after mistakes can lower your risk of feeling bad, a new study finds.

  3. Psychology

    Bullying alters ‘bugs’ in the gut, hamster data show

    A new study found that the microbes in a hamster’s gut changed in response to social stress.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Finding and helping teens for whom sadness is a disease

    Adolescents should soon be screened for depression at their yearly check-up with their doctor.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Analyze This: Does moderate screen time boost teen happiness?

    Computers, smartphones and TVs are everywhere. And scientists are trying to discover whether that’s a good thing for our well-being.

  6. Health & Medicine

    The power of ‘like’

    A single “like” on a social-media post can make it much more popular, which can influence how teens behave.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Social media: What’s not to like?

    Social media can help teens connect with friends and family. Sometimes, however, it may leave them feeling depressed or isolated.

  8. Psychology

    Warnings may help flag fake news, but they also backfire

    Warning that a news story may be false can help people avoid being duped by hoaxes — but not as much as you might think, according to a new study.

  9. Psychology

    Think you’re not biased? Think again

    Everyone holds some unconscious bias about certain social groups, even when they don’t mean to. Scientists are learning how people can fight such implicit biases.

  10. Psychology

    Searching for better, cooler friends might backfire

    When people try to find the best possible people to hang out with, they become less happy in life, a new study finds.

  11. Psychology

    Noticing mistakes boosts learning

    People who pay attention to their mistakes are more likely to do better the next time, data show.

  12. Tech

    Cool Jobs: Doing real science in virtual worlds

    Virtual reality isn’t just for gamers. Scientists are using VR technology to tackle real-world problems.

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