
  1. Health & Medicine

    Cool jobs: Brainy ways to battle obesity

    Scientists from different fields are tapping into connections between food and the brain to help people fight obesity and overcome the urge to overeat.

  2. Brain

    ‘Mindfulness’ defuses stress in classrooms and teaching

    The science behind mindfulness shows that both teachers and students can benefit from a bit of focused attention.

  3. Brain

    When smartphones go to school

    Students who use smartphones and other mobile technology in class may well be driven to distraction. And that can hurt grades, studies show.

  4. Health & Medicine

    To control overeating: Slow down!

    Encouraging young people to eat more slowly — and to stop when they’re full — may help prevent obesity, a new study finds.

  5. Animals

    Do dogs have a sense of self?

    Dogs don’t know their own reflections in a mirror, but they do recognize themselves from the scent of their own urine, a new study finds.

  6. Brain

    Meditation may boost teen memory

    Teens who trained in a practice called mindfulness meditation saw improvements in their ability to remember things.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Too many Facebook friends?

    Can you have too many Facebook friends? Maybe so, says a new study. It links heavy Facebook use to levels of a stress hormone called cortisol.

  8. Brain

    Cool Jobs: Getting in your head

    Experimental psychologists study animals and people to understand the roots of behavior.

    By and
  9. Animals

    Profile: A human touch for animals

    Temple Grandin uses her own autism to understand how animals think. The animal scientist is famous for fostering the humane treatment of livestock.

  10. Brain

    Lessons from failure: Why we try, try again

    We all suffer failures. But we don’t always try again. Focusing on what they can be learned might help people keep going, brain imaging data now show.

  11. Brain

    Explainer: What is anxiety?

    Anxiety is the stress linked to worries about an upcoming event — one that may not even happen. But anxiety can affect the body every bit as much as does the stress provoked by staring down a hungry lion.

  12. Health & Medicine

    If you’re awake, you’re probably eating

    The idea that we eat three meals a day is a myth. People eat nearly constantly, and that may not be good for our health.
