
  1. Psychology

    Supportive spaces help LGBTQ+ youth thrive in school and beyond

    Schools are safer and more welcoming when their policies respect and affirm LGBTQ+ students. Clubs can push for changes that boost kids’ mental health.

  2. Psychology

    Procrastination may hurt your health — but you can change that

    Scientists have linked procrastination to mental and physical health problems. But don’t be too hard on yourself — there are steps you can take.

  3. Brain

    Ingredients in popular snack foods can make them addictive

    Researchers find that highly processed foods rich in sugar and added fat may be as addictive as tobacco.

  4. Psychology

    There’s a real upside to knowing you could be wrong

    We’re often certain that what we believe is true. But questioning those beliefs, as Galileo did, can help us learn better — and even perform better on tests.

  5. Humans

    When it comes to dance, it’s all about the bass

    During a concert, people danced more when they were bathed in sounds that were too low for their ears to hear.

  6. Brain

    Playing video games may improve your memory and attention

    The biggest research study of its kind finds that video gamers perform better on some mental tasks than nongamers do.

  7. Psychology

    Why fandom feels good — and may be good for you

    Psychologists and media scholars are looking into the who, why and how of becoming a fan.

  8. Science & Society

    What’s the fun in fear? Science explores the appeal of scary movies

    On its face, the appeal of horror doesn’t make much sense. But scientists are starting to uncover who’s most likely to enjoy scary films and why.

  9. Psychology

    Persuasion can be used to change hearts and minds

    Persuasion can be used for good — or ill — to change how people feel. To protect yourself against undue persuasion, pay attention.

  10. Psychology

    Scientists Say: Trauma

    No one experiences trauma the same way. Its effects can be physical or emotional. Immediate or delayed. Brief or long-lasting.

  11. Brain

    Why teens can’t help tuning out mom’s voice 

     Teens often tune out what their mom is saying. Normal brain changes during adolescence could explain why, new research shows.

  12. Psychology

    Prevention programs can help reduce teen dating violence

    Teen dating violence has many forms and affects an estimated one-third of teens. New studies explore what programs may help prevent this harm.

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